OurĀ Offer

Microcement is a kind of cement that can be used as a wall or floor covering. It is an ideal material for both interiors and exteriors, including floors, walls, and ceilings. It also works well with many existing surfaces, such as most forms of wood, concrete screeds and tiles. Furthermore, the joints are not necessary for Microcement, so cleaning and maintenance are easy.
Decorative Concrete
Silver Sand
Royal Silk
Effecto & Anticco
Our decorative render paste has a unique texture and is extremely flexible to apply on all surface shapes, and once dried, the walls are able to breathe freely.
Crackle Lacquer
Painting & Decorating
Our service includes painting, decorating as well as prior preparation of walls, ceilings and woodworks. We have a great experience in carrying out large and small jobs from residential flats and houses to commercial gyms, offices and schools.